Posts filed under Issue #83

Gateway Farm: Growing with Permaculture

The mid-January day I visited Gateway Farm in Plymouth was breezy, and the temperature was in the low thirties with faint flurries falling. At the farm’s small, dirt parking lot off Joy Road, I met Bridget O’Brien who, along with her husband Dr. Charlie Brennan, is the farm’s co-director. After we greeted each other, I said, “Not the best time of the year for me to see the farm, I guess.” “It’ll be okay,” she replied cheerfully. “We’ll be able to see everything because there’s no snow on the ground. Plus,” she added, “The sorrel is still green.”

Joob Activewear — Ann Arbor Clothing Company — Aims For Fair Trade, Climate Neutral Fashion

The hiking pants swished as I walked, hugging my legs as I squatted, lunged, and brought my knees to my chest. Not as tight as a legging but not as loose as a typical hiking pant, they ghosted over my skin, covering it, but not hampering movement a bit. I pushed my hands in the front pockets, felt the tug at the elastic waist, and checked out the zippered back pockets. A barely-there logo of an elephant shimmered near my left hip on the black fabric. I found the fit comfortable. I could wear these pants all day.

Tying the Knot in Nature

Infusing a wedding with nature adds a sense of lighthearted whimsy and charm through elements such as fresh air, natural lighting, vibrant flowers, and wildlife. Several local venues bring the ceremony to nature's doorstep by offering outdoor ceremony sites, while others bring nature indoors. Some Crazy Wisdom favorites include botanical gardens, riverside views, sprawling fields, and vineyards. Each of the following venues is unique, but all of them offer nature's aesthetic beauty and are perfect options for a nature-inspired wedding.

Herbs for Your Garden: Calendula

Calendula is grown as a self-seeding annual in USDA grow zones two through eight. In areas with warm winters (above 25⁰F), it blooms year-round. Calendula thrives in full sun with well-drained soil. I recommend sowing Calendula seed directly into the garden early to mid-spring. It’s ideal to plant the seeds as soon as the soil is workable since germination benefits from cool weather, but don’t stress too much about timing. I’ve had success planting seeds year-round. Calendula is a self-seeding annual, which means seeds dropped by the plants in the fall will lay dormant on the ground all winter and then sprout the next spring. However, it’s not an aggressively spreading plant, so don’t worry about it taking over your garden.

Psychedelic Medicines in Trauma Recovery

Life is hard and yes, terrible things can and do happen, oftentimes to people who do not deserve it. Denying trauma and trying to inspire people out of its impact, both individually and collectively, has been the go-to method of dealing with trauma for generations.

Learning From Our Year Round Birds

Whether you enjoy watching birds flit about casually, are a dedicated birder, or keep a bird feeder going, it is likely some of our beautiful year-round birds have caught your eye on more than one occasion. For centuries, humans have observed birds for signs and omens (called augury or ornithomancy) as well as told stories illuminating the lessons birds carry. Birds have a wealth of wisdom to share with us, and this article highlights several of our year-round winged teachers who can be called on at any time in our hearts and, with some bribing, in our yards. These Michigan loyalists are the Black-Capped Chickadee, the Blue Jay, and the Northern Cardinal.

Posted on May 1, 2023 and filed under Animals, Issue #83, Nature.

Handcrafting: LIttle Bug Faeries -- A Waldorf -style Pcket Doll

Spring brings showers, flowers, and faeries back into our gardens! These cute Little Bug Faeries are great for entertaining little ones during story time, while riding in a car, or waiting to see the doctor. They are so easy to make, you’ll find yourself making one in every color of the rainbow!

Peace, Love, and Cows

There is a feeling of peace in the cowbarns at Goloka Eco Experience in Maybee, Michigan. The farm air feels crisp as it enters the lungs—unequivocally more clear than city air. In this moment, the gentle thud of a heartbeat or thwap of a tail against the ground is one’s only soundtrack against the world. Soft, big brown eyes peer out from underneath impossibly-long eyelashes, begging for pats on the head or scratches at the nape of the neck. Goloka Eco hosts an experience one simply cannot find among the hustle and bustle of regular everyday life--an invitation to be present. To come sit. To forget about time for a while. To cuddle a cow, as volunteer Karunasindhu Nitai Gaura Dasa says, is to form a “meaningful relationship.”

Posted on May 1, 2023 and filed under Animals, Farms, Issue #83, Local, Nature, Therapeutic Healing.

Kindred Conversations: Maurice Archer and Anne Erlewine

The center of Maurice Archer’s big vision starts with dance. He’s known around town as the premier break dance performer, teacher, producer, and owner of A2 Breakdance. He has been bringing his unstoppable energy and expertise to classrooms, after school programs, rec and ed offerings, private parties, intensives, local festivals, and street fairs for years. If you’ve seen the linoleum unroll and a simple boom-box set up for a crew of kid and adult dancers to step in for six step, windmill, kick-up, flare, or a bunch of impressive acrobatic dance moves, then you have seen an A2 Breakdancers’ cipher. A cipher is a circle of dancers, jumping in to share a small mobile dance floor with their handstands, back spins, and fancy footwork before the next dancer tags in.

A Good Crop of Mental Health: A Conversation about Animal Assisted Therapy with Laura Sanders

Laura Sanders, LMSW, ACSW, has been practicing in the Ann Arbor area for 34 years and has been teaching as an adjunct professor at the University of Michigan School of Social Work for 26 years. Her approach to therapy utilizes a wide variety of evidence-based and creative therapies, including trauma recovery methods, art and play therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and relational approaches through Animal Assisted Therapy.

Conscious Parenting: Ele's Place Ann Arbor--A Home for Healing Arts

Ele’s Place Ann Arbor is a healing center that provides peer grief support for children, teens, and their families in Ann Arbor as well as the surrounding southeast Michigan area, free of charge, for as long as a family needs. Ele's Place Ann Arbor is the only nonprofit in our community dedicated solely to helping children and teens work with, and through, grief in a peer-based setting.

Field of the Five Horses

I’d been given some gourmet coffee for Christmas. It was late at night. I’d have to work in the morning, but, feeling impelled to give it a try, I brewed the rich dark potion.

The next day I remembered a night when I was eight years old. I was living in the tropics with my family, where heat thins boundaries and can induce fertile dreaming. I’d been allowed to drink a caffeinated beverage just before going to bed, a one-time occurrence. As I lay wide awake, the aquarium music from Saint-Saens’ Carnival of the Animals played in my brain. It got louder and louder. My room faded into green mist and shoals of golden fish swam through it from various angles and directions, hovering and then dissolving. Having gone to school opposite one of those old, gothic mental hospitals, I was frightened I might be locked up in it when we returned to the States, and I clutched the sheets until the vision dissipated.

Out of My Comfort Zone: Stretching Out of My Comfort Zone

Generally speaking, my comfort zone is not small. I have lived in foreign countries, trekked in the Himalayas, paraglided off a 5,000 foot cliff, flown in teeny tiny planes over the Amazon rain forest, stood on my head on various mountain tops, and held a giant anaconda around my neck (that one was mostly for the photo op). But when asked to write an article about stepping out of my comfort zone, I immediately knew what I’d share. And it turns out I am not alone in this fear. In fact, it comes in at number two on the list of people’s biggest fears. It is of course, the fear of public speaking (in case you’re interested, fear of death is number one on the list).

Leaps of Faith: Curioser Clay

Zemper made the decision to become an entrepreneur while the Covid-19 pandemic was still looming, and that brave move is already paying off. Curiouser Clay’s reputation has been growing since their first pop up workshop in March of 2022. Since then, they have stayed busy holding workshops and “makin’ parties” in which Zemper and her husband, Drew Zemper, show up to private parties, businesses, and homes throughout the region.

Garden Juju Collective

Water, sun, and soil might seem a simple enough equation for a house plant, but a home garden can be more of an intricate undertaking. Shade or sun, frost or flood, drought or disease—the shifting conditions can challenge any green thumb. That’s when we turn to the experts. Bridget O’Brien and Charlie Brennan of Garden Juju Collective are in a long-term relationship with the earth. “Simple isn’t always quick,” they reminded me. Bridget and Charlie tend the land with both hands and long vision, so that a well-designed fix can be properly applied and nurtured in time. It might take a fleet of earthmovers and months of remediation, but the relationship of the water, sun, and soil can be remedied to become sustainable and self-sufficient, just as nature intended it to be, “on pace with the seasons.”

Ann Arbor Healers: Indigo Forest and Chronic Pain Reduction

Beth Barbeau is a healer, and a teacher with 40+ years of midwifery and natural family health experience. Barbeau has recently added a new therapeutic device to her robust set of therapeutic options at Indigo Forest, her online and in-person business designed to help people of all ages achieve optimum health.

Astrologically Speaking: All About Mercury Retrograde: Return, Reassess, Redo, Renew

Most of us have heard the phrase “Mercury is in retrograde,” ever so often offered up as a reason for something not going smoothly in a person’s life. It’s true that retrograde periods can be challenging. It’s nothing personal and we can all be affected differently, so I wanted to give you the straight scoop on what Mercury retrograde periods are and how to navigate them.

How Humor Helps Me Over a Hurdle

I’m working once again to lose my post-pregnancy weight…it’s been 25 years since the baby. There have been peaks and valleys, fitness regimens and meal plans. Just when I thought I had things under control, menopause slapped me in the face. I hit a plateau. A brick wall. A stand-off.

Craig Stoller — Healing Through Chiropractic

Dr. Craig Stoller, D.C. has an unassuming office on Stadium, just east of Trader Joe’s. The sign on the door says, “Align Chiropractic.” His logo looks like a mandala. It represents the top vertebrae of the spine, otherwise known as the “atlas.” When you enter the waiting room, you are greeted with a large children’s play area, and above it a giant hand-painted mural. It depicts an idyllic scene of people of all ages and abilities actively enjoying the outdoors in a beautiful park like setting. It represents Stoller’s goal of having all of his patients, no matter what age or ability, enjoy an active, healthy lifestyle.

Book Review: Ensemble! Using the Power of Improv & Play to Forge Connections in a Lonely World

Loneliness and isolation are common themes today, exacerbated even more in recent years by stay-at-home mandates and closures of schools and businesses. There is hope, however, as experts reveal solutions to combat the dark voids in life aggravated by a lack of social interaction. In Ensemble! Using the Power of Improv & Play to Forge Connections in a Lonely World, Dr. Jeff Katzman and actor, writer, improviser, and director Dan O’Connor, present a unique solution as the antidote to loneliness.

Posted on May 1, 2023 and filed under Book Review, Issue #83.