Filtering by Author: Ash Merryman

Learning From Our Year Round Birds

Whether you enjoy watching birds flit about casually, are a dedicated birder, or keep a bird feeder going, it is likely some of our beautiful year-round birds have caught your eye on more than one occasion. For centuries, humans have observed birds for signs and omens (called augury or ornithomancy) as well as told stories illuminating the lessons birds carry. Birds have a wealth of wisdom to share with us, and this article highlights several of our year-round winged teachers who can be called on at any time in our hearts and, with some bribing, in our yards. These Michigan loyalists are the Black-Capped Chickadee, the Blue Jay, and the Northern Cardinal.

Posted on May 1, 2023 and filed under Animals, Issue #83, Nature.

From Nature to You--Remedies for PMS and PMDD

Every month, I know when it's that time in my menstrual cycle: the time to cue up sad movies and bust out the dark chocolate. There are signs my luteal phase has arrived, and it used to make a grand entrance, but I learned ways to dampen its arrival.

Cat Wisdoms to Live and Lounge By

Oh, cats–our most adorable teachers! Since ancient times, cats have been revered for their wisdom and protection. They were even considered demi-gods in ancient Egypt under the protection of the cat-headed goddess Bast. Featured in myths in numerous cultures throughout history, cats have garnered an age-old affinity still strong today. We love their blipping, purring, yawning, and mews. And, beyond these delights, we can learn so much from our cat friends. The wisdoms of cats are seemingly infinite, so I’ll share my personal favorites of the many lessons taught to me by my two furry feline companions.

Posted on May 1, 2022 and filed under Animals, Issue #80, Pets, Personal Growth.