Posts filed under Metaphysical

Green Guardians: The plants of the Women’s Health Center

Earlier this year I made my annual mammography visit to Trinity Health’s Women’s Health Center in Ypsilanti. On that particular morning, the sun beaming in the windows really lit up the healthy, beautiful plants at the entry. Inside the mammography suite, there are several beds of green Pothos plants with golden highlights, and every plant looks so vibrant and perfect that at first glance, you might think they are artificial. While I was waiting for my appointment, I realized that these lovely green beings were offering messages.

A Conversation With The Deva Of Sweetgrass

I’ve been going to Pow Wows [Native American tribal festivals] since the 1970’s, and that is where I first met Sweetgrass.The sweet, vanilla-ish aroma of this native grass is instantly soothing. It’s most commonly used as a “smudge” or incense but has many other applications as well. I have Sweetgrass at home, and it inspired this interview.

Angels on Her Mind

I was hesitant to share my latest painting as my ingrained skepticism rears its head whenever angels appear, making me feel childish that I paint them. I grew up in a household where rationality ruled; the fantastical was accepted as part of the arts, but not necessarily respected. The intelligence of people of faith was questioned in principle, and my innocent curiosity was frequently ridiculed. I think it is rather miraculous that my spiritual interests and seeker tendencies weren’t wiped out altogether. In some of us, the yearning for a relationship with the Divine is strong—no different than a love of the arts or a passion for music is in others—and therefore hard to extinguish.

Posted on October 14, 2021 and filed under Art, Creativity, Goddesses, Intuition, Metaphysical, Spirituality.

What is Aura Photography?

The ability to “see” our energy fields within the limited light spectrum of the human eye. Kirlian photography was the first method of showing energy fields. Officially invented in 1939 by Semyon Davidovitch Kirlian, it didn’t come into mainstream notability until the late 50’s, demonstrating that all living things have an aura.

Beyond The Beans: A Conversation With Coffee

Coffee traces its heritage back centuries to the ancient coffee forests on the Ethiopian plateau. The story goes that a goatherder named Kaldi noticed that after eating the berries from a certain tree, his goats became so energetic they did not want to sleep at night. Kaldi told the abbot of the local monastery, who made a drink with the berries and found that it kept him alert through the long hours of evening prayer. The abbot shared his discovery with the other monks, and knowledge of the energizing berries began to spread. (Thank you to

Posted on April 20, 2021 and filed under Food and Nutrition, Intuition, Metaphysical.

Everything Has a Voice, Even Tattoos!

Recently I bought a book on tattoos at an estate sale, which I intended to sell on eBay. Back at home, I was looking through the book and suddenly heard: "Each tattoo has its own energy, as an expression of creativity." To my surprise, the tattoos themselves started to chatter, and I was writing as fast as I could to record their comments.

Posted on February 26, 2021 and filed under Creativity, Intuition, Metaphysical.

A Conversation With The Oversoul Of Hawaii

When Hawaii became a state in 1959, I was too young to understand what all the excitement was about. Decades would pass before I realized that my fascination and heart-connection with this ancient land was the result of past lives spent in Hawaii and elsewhere in Polynesia. I perceive the essential energy of Hawaii as JOY combined with love, abundance, benevolence and beauty. It gives me great pleasure and satisfaction to present this interview.

Posted on December 8, 2020 and filed under Environment, Intuition, Metaphysical, Nature.

A Conversation with the Oversoul of Bread

I've been making bread since I was a child. I love the process, the possibilities, the traditions, and the history. Since the stay-at-home situation has encouraged many people to experiment with home-made bread, interviewing the Oversoul of bread seemed a natural choice for this article.

A Conversation with the Deva of the Mighty Mackinaw Bridge

The Mackinaw Bridge opened on November 1, 1957; and my parents couldn't wait to try it out for another camping trip Up North! I was only four years old, but I remember the excitement of that first crossing vividly, the glorious beauty of a sunny day, and the song of the car's tires on the roadbed. I've taken that bridge many times since then, and it never fails to work its magic. July is the perfect month to connect with this Michigan icon!

Posted on July 30, 2020 and filed under Environment, Intuition, Metaphysical, Travel.


What resides in our unconscious is as much a part of who we are, and how we behave, as what makes up our consciousness. The language of the unconscious is imagery. The rules by which it functions are mythical. Science seems to lag behind the arts in its grasp of the paradoxes inherent to humanity. The psyche expresses itself through symbol and metaphor that can best be understood through stories, as stories allow for the unknown. Stories tolerate mystery.

A Conversation With The Deva Of Cannabis

In the mid-1960's, my mother thought someone had planted marijuana in our old back pasture. She told me to yank out all the illegal weeds -- a whole acre of them! Fortunately, I found someone who confirmed that the plants were innocent wildflowers called Cinquefoil. I know how to tell the difference now, but that long-ago experience remains in my memory whenever I see cannabis or marijuana mentioned in today's headlines. That's why I thought this would be a good time to chat with the Deva of this intriguing plant.

The Fae Folk and the Virus

Fae: The Fae are not susceptible to human viruses. However, we have not stood by without attempting to help human friends. Understand that most humans have resident gnome families living with them; other fae folk choose to live with, or near, humans. So, we become attached to "our" humans and naturally wish to support them in times of trouble. Many of us are engaged in lifting the spirits of humans, causing smiles by tickling babies, singing to one who is discouraged (not in a way that can be heard), and so forth.

Posted on May 4, 2020 and filed under Faeries, Intuition, Metaphysical.

What is Truth?

What is truth? In our world of ‘fake news’ and contested facts, truth can be difficult to grasp and even harder to hold. How can we look at an interaction or event and come to such dramatically different conclusions? To perceive it accurately requires a level of objectivity and nonattachment few of us possess. It is almost impossible to separate who we are and what we hold sacred from what we perceive. Truth is challenging to witness—it can be simultaneously terrifying and awe inspiring. Just when we think we understand, it suddenly gives way to a profounder meaning—a soul shaking reality that moves us to the very core of our being. 

Posted on January 10, 2020 and filed under Intuition, Metaphysical, Tarot.


River: May I speak to the spirit of peace, please?

Peace: Granted. I hear you.

River: Thank you! Some of our people call you a goddess, others a spirit or an angel. How do you describe yourself?

Peace: I rather like the title Spirit. It is more complex in meaning, and better suited to my role than the other words you mention.

Posted on January 1, 2020 and filed under Intuition, Metaphysical, Spirituality.