It was 5 a.m., and I had not yet slept in any meaningful way. I spent the night drifting in and out of wakefulness, my body feeling like it had lost the ability to regulate my temperature: I was simultaneously hot while also experiencing chills. I was on the edges of a migraine, the arm where I had received my second Covid vaccine was too tender to lie on, and periodically nausea washed through me.
The Fae Folk and the Virus
Fae: The Fae are not susceptible to human viruses. However, we have not stood by without attempting to help human friends. Understand that most humans have resident gnome families living with them; other fae folk choose to live with, or near, humans. So, we become attached to "our" humans and naturally wish to support them in times of trouble. Many of us are engaged in lifting the spirits of humans, causing smiles by tickling babies, singing to one who is discouraged (not in a way that can be heard), and so forth.
Corona Retreat
Solitary retreats are a familiar experience for me. I’ve been taking off into the woods to retreat all of my adult life. After I had cancer ten years ago, I scheduled these retreats as many as six times per year to support my healing process. Retreating alone has been an important piece of my self-care and a way to deepen into my meditation practice.