Posts filed under Faeries

A Conversation With The Deva Of Cannabis

In the mid-1960's, my mother thought someone had planted marijuana in our old back pasture. She told me to yank out all the illegal weeds -- a whole acre of them! Fortunately, I found someone who confirmed that the plants were innocent wildflowers called Cinquefoil. I know how to tell the difference now, but that long-ago experience remains in my memory whenever I see cannabis or marijuana mentioned in today's headlines. That's why I thought this would be a good time to chat with the Deva of this intriguing plant.

The Fae Folk and the Virus

Fae: The Fae are not susceptible to human viruses. However, we have not stood by without attempting to help human friends. Understand that most humans have resident gnome families living with them; other fae folk choose to live with, or near, humans. So, we become attached to "our" humans and naturally wish to support them in times of trouble. Many of us are engaged in lifting the spirits of humans, causing smiles by tickling babies, singing to one who is discouraged (not in a way that can be heard), and so forth.

Posted on May 4, 2020 and filed under Faeries, Intuition, Metaphysical.

AUTUMN ADVENTURES: A Fall Feast with the Fae Folk!

Though I've always known in my heart that fairies are real, I never thought about creating a real relationship with them until the late 1990's. By then I'd been working with angels long enough to raise my personal vibration so it was close to the frequency level of most fae, which simplified connections and communications. And I figured that working with fairies would be a natural next step. After all, fairies have been described as taking care of nature the way angels take care of humans!

Posted on September 20, 2018 and filed under Magic, Metaphysical, Nature, Faeries.