Posts filed under Astrology

Astrologically Speaking: The Saturn Return

The next time you talk to one of your parents or grandparents, ask them what happened to them between the ages of 28 and 30. I guarantee they will tell you about an important event in their life. If you have already reached your thirties or beyond, then you also have a story to tell—that of your Saturn Return.

Posted on January 1, 2025 and filed under Astrology, Issue #88, Life Transitions, Personal Growth.

Leonids: Worth a Look

Last April’s total eclipse had many of us looking to the southern sky at that rare astronomical phenomenon. The following month, some of us in Southeast Michigan were out on our porches or in our yards late at night looking in the opposite direction, hoping to get a rare glimpse of the Northern Lights. This fall, we may have another opportunity to witness a celestial display—the Leonids. Each November, the night sky lights up with a meteor shower as the earth passes close to the Tempel-Tuttle comet’s orbit.

Posted on September 1, 2024 and filed under Astrology, Issue #87, Nature, Environment.

Your Nodal Axis Knows

Years ago, my friend Lorraine and I were comparing junior high report cards which, back then, were much more than a letter grade representing your academic successes and failures. Teachers actually wrote a list of everything they wanted your parents to know you were or weren’t doing. In my case, the list was long and critical.

Posted on September 1, 2024 and filed under Astrology, Issue #87, Metaphysical, Pagan, Readings.

Astrologically Speaking~The Fab Five: Our Outer Planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto

Moving beyond Mercury through Mars, the outer planets typically are going to have a less personal effect on us in the everyday sense. The longer orbits of these planets mean they don’t change signs as often so they will be in the same signs as people around our same age or in our same generation. For example, if you were born between 1998 and 2011, you have Neptune in the sign of Aquarius.

Posted on September 1, 2024 and filed under Astrology, Columns, Issue #87, Metaphysical, Myth, Pagan, Readings.

Astrologically Speaking-- Our Luminaries: The Sun & The Moon

Of all the lights in the sky, there are two that shine brightest—the sun and the moon. These two “luminaries” as they are called, illuminate our world more than any other celestial body, both literally and personally. Astrologically, they are also the two biggest influences.

Posted on January 1, 2024 and filed under Astrology, Issue #85, Nature.

Book Review: A Lantern in the Dark: Navigate Life’s Crossroads with Story, Ritual, and Sacred Astrology

Danielle Blackwood meets readers at life’s crossroads–a space of “betwixt and between”–where she guides and inspires through story, ritual, and sacred astrology. Infused with myth, folklore, and the hidden wisdom in stories, A Lantern in the Dark, provides insights to readers of varying ages and stages of life while they stand at a juncture often riddled with confusion, dilemma, and restlessness.

Posted on September 1, 2023 and filed under Book Review, Astrology, Issue #84, Personal Growth.

Astrologically Speaking: Sheer Lunacy: The Moon’s Journey Through the Zodiac Signs

While the sun reflects our personality, the moon reflects our emotional self. It can reflect the mother archetype and how we are cared for as well as how we nurture. It can also represent the health of the entire body. This means our feelings or how we react to things can be more steady, less intense or more amplified depending on where the moon is.

Posted on September 1, 2023 and filed under Astrology, Columns, Issue #84, Local Practitioners.

Astrologically Speaking: All About Mercury Retrograde: Return, Reassess, Redo, Renew

Most of us have heard the phrase “Mercury is in retrograde,” ever so often offered up as a reason for something not going smoothly in a person’s life. It’s true that retrograde periods can be challenging. It’s nothing personal and we can all be affected differently, so I wanted to give you the straight scoop on what Mercury retrograde periods are and how to navigate them.

Astrologically Speaking--Welcome Generation Aquarius!

On the morning of Thursday, March 23, 2023, the very first babies will be born with Pluto in the sign of Aquarius ushering in an astrologically brand-new generation. Pluto will remain in Aquarius until June 11 when it retrogrades back into the previous sign of Capricorn a couple more times before crossing over into Aquarius permanently on November 19, 2024.

Posted on January 1, 2023 and filed under Astrology, Columns, Issue #82.

Astrologically Speaking: Pluto Returns to the USA

Everything that has a beginning has an astrology chart: people, animals, relationships, businesses, and even countries. The birth of the United States of America took place with the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. At that moment, in the heavens, Pluto was nearing the end of its slow transit in the sign of Capricorn. On February 19th of this year Pluto made the anticipated return to that exact same place for the very first time for the United States birth chart. Pluto’s orbit takes about 250 years, which means a person will never be able to experience their Pluto return, but a country can. This creates a unique moment in time to witness the United States from within or without and see firsthand what a Pluto return looks and feels like.

Posted on May 1, 2022 and filed under Astrology, Columns, Issue #80.