For generations, our ancestors have preserved seeds, leaves, flowers, and roots using natural methods for self-healing. To honor their legacy, connect with my elders, and pass on this knowledge, I made it my mission to practice herbalism and educate anyone willing to learn about the amazing world of plant medicine. I learn something new every day when I am in nature. I take time to listen, pay attention, and trust the universe.
Supporting Spirituality in Seniors
Years ago, when I was working as a geriatrician, I had a patient named Maria. She was an 82-year-old Italian woman who had been raised in a convent in Italy. She had crippling arthritis that gave her terrible back and knee pain, and was only minimally relieved by all the many medical interventions we tried. She spent most of her day on a narrow bed in her bedroom where she had a life-size statue of Saint Therese of Lisieux. She managed to drag herself to church every day where she insisted on painfully kneeling during Mass despite my attempts to convince her that God would hear her prayers just as well if she sat in the pew. Although I considered myself to be a spiritual person, I still found it hard to understand how her faith could sustain and allow her to keep going in a situation that most people would have found intolerable.
What Do You Live For? Informing our Response to Turbulent Times
We live in turbulent times, yes, but human history has been full of crises, natural and man-made. What is important, what makes or breaks us, is how we respond to life’s challenges as well as its gifts. Maya Angelou wrote, “You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.” All we can do is try to meet that challenge with power and presence, becoming bigger through our response, and perhaps even do something positive in response.
Essential Oils: More Than Just Pretty Aromas
Sure, essential oils can leave your home smelling of fresh cut lavender or the bright citrusy scent of lemons, but they are so much more than a pretty aroma. Did you know they could be used to support healthy emotions, keep you alert, focused, calm, and relaxed? All this is made possible in the limbic system, which is our emotional brain. Our limbic system supports five major functions: emotions, behavior, motivation, long-term memory, and sense of smell. As you inhale essential oils, the tiny molecules enter the nasal cavity and pass by the olfactory bulb. Your olfactory bulb is a part of your limbic system and therefore your response to an aroma is going to be emotional before it can be rational. This all happens in three seconds!
Dharma: Your Noble Purpose
Dharma—Your noble purpose. One’s duty or one’s path.
Sounds pretty lofty and esoteric—right? And yet, these few words capture one of the essential principles of the Yogic tradition—the idea that each one of us is born with unique gifts and the desire to express our unique purpose.
How to Smooth Out a Bumpy Back to School Experience
Oh, boy, it’s that time of year again. Many of us parents and guardians have been working through our checklists, buying new shoes for our kids (who’ve been barefoot or in sandals all summer), and picking out fall clothes for kids who’ve sprouted since June. We’re smoothing the path as much as we’re able, sometimes stopping by the school beforehand for trial runs, figuring out the bus schedule and aftercare, or maybe counting down the days until school starts again.