Astrologically Speaking~The Fab Five: Our Outer Planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto

By Catherine Carlson

Moving beyond Mercury through Mars, the outer planets typically are going to have a less personal effect on us in the everyday sense. The longer orbits of these planets mean they don’t change signs as often so they will be in the same signs as people around our same age or in our same generation. For example, if you were born between 1998 and 2011, you have Neptune in the sign of Aquarius.

Jupiter: The Big Friendly Giant

Over three hundred times bigger than Earth and nicknamed the Great Benefic, Jupiter behaves like Santa Claus: jolly and generous. Known as Zeus in Greek mythology or the Norse Thor, Roman named Jupiter is the sky-god, or god of thunder, depicted as an eagle holding a thunderbolt in his talons on Greek and Roman coins. It is known as the planet of luck, good fortune, and expansion. More is always better according to Jupiter.

Jupiter is the classical ruler of the sign Sagittarius as well as Pisces (before Neptune was discovered). Sagittarius’ qualities can include being a lover of adventure and travel or being a truth seeker through religion or education. It is often the sign of a teacher. Other significations include abundance, generosity, loving a gathering (the more the merrier), and staying a little longer for dessert or another drink. The Piscean energy of Jupiter presents as a broader concept of faith, figuring out what you believe in—what is real to you and what is not. The shadow side is doing things in excess. If your sun or other planets are in these signs, you will relate to these qualities, which can also be activated by a Jupiter transit.

Jupiter has a cycle of about 12 years. This means within a few months or so of turning 12, 24, 36, 48 and so on, you will experience a Jupiter return. Because of the abundant nature of this planet, these are good times to make a wish list! Jupiter will be traveling through Gemini until next spring.

Saturn: Take it Seriously

In Roman mythology, Saturn, or the Greek-named Chronos is the God of Time. Saturn is a brother of Jupiter and rules the earth plane. Known as the Great Malefic and the lord of karma. While Jupiter expands, Saturn does the opposite. It constricts and restricts, forcing us to follow rules of order and be responsible. Saturn is inescapable. Sooner or later, we must all take care of business and do our work.

Saturn is the traditional ruler of the signs Capricorn and Aquarius (before Uranus was discovered). Through Capricorn, Saturn represents the father archetype that takes on the responsibility of providing for family and in children through discipline and structure. Saturn helps us create a solid foundation in our lives through challenges and lessons. Someone with a strong Saturn influence is going to be a naturally hard worker and be serious. Saturn’s Aquarian influence merges a strong will with one’s own set of rules; freedom within structure, makes a person ahead of their time. Saturn types can be overly responsible as children, appearing older than their age. This falls away over time, and they appear youthful.

Saturn impacts us personally every 28-30 years when it completes a cycle called our “Saturn return.” Each return is marked by a significant event unique to each person. The first event occurring between the ages of 28-30 is what pushes us into adulthood. In 2024 and into 2025, Saturn will travel through Pisces.

Uranus: Greased Lightening!

Uranus was the first of the other outer planets to make up modern astrology. Uranus, or the Greek Ouranos, is named for the God of the sky and the starry heavens. For a time, Uranus was considered the god of the universe. It was the first planet to be discovered by a telescope in 1781 during the time of the French and American revolutions. Because of this, Uranus came to represent technology, rebels, and humanitarian causes.

In modern astrology, Uranus rules the sign of Aquarius. A strong Uranian influence by birth or transit can mean you are a maverick with an inspired mind capable of creating technological innovations. You may have a strong network of friends or be a humanitarian. Wherever Uranus shows up for you personally is the area in your life where things are a little offbeat or quirky—whether it’s your home, ancestors, career, creativity, or self-expression. We need the Uranian energy of revolution to help us get to the next phase of our evolution.

Uranus cycles through the zodiac about every 82 years. At the halfway point of 41 years of age, you may revisit something you did not get to do in your early 20s and feel the impulse to pursue it again. From 2024 through 2025, Uranus will finish up a long run in Taurus.

Neptune: The Invisible Man

Named for the god of the sea, Neptune, or Poseidon in the Greek tradition, was discovered during the time photography was invented—which allowed people to view other people, places, and events that previously remained unseen. This is the magical quality of Neptune. It reveals what is hidden—or it can mask what is there. The sea life in the ocean exists below our awareness. Neptune shows us what exists beneath our conscious awareness.

Neptune in modern astrology rules Pisces, the last water sign of the Zodiac. People with a strong Pisces or Neptune influence can have a strong intuition and be sensitive to the invisible world, picking up on things that are unseen by others. A Neptunian person may be “dreamy” and be skilled at bringing dreams into reality. They may also wear rose-colored glasses or prefer to escape reality.

“Now you see me, now you don’t,” says Neptune, and with the naked eye sometimes it is and other times not, leading us to question what’s real and what isn’t. If we can’t see it, does it exist? Until next spring, Neptune will be in the sign of Pisces.

Pluto: The Transformer

To all astrology folks, Pluto is still a planet. It may be small in size comparatively, but it packs tremendous power. Pluto was discovered in 1930 after noticing something that appeared to be beyond Neptune. Pluto, or Hades, in Greek mythology is named after the god of the underworld. It is a suitable name for the cold outlier out of the reach of the sun and beyond what was our known solar system.

Pluto is not a light or easy energy, but it has its place. Pluto represents metamorphosis, transformation, death, and rebirth, often associated with visits to the underworld in mythology. In astrology, it rules the sign of Scorpio. Someone with a strong Pluto or Scorpio influence is more comfortable with deep or dark subject matter and investigating beneath the surface. They may be naturally resilient—perhaps a healer in their own right. Pluto types must often deal with power in some way, and they may like to be in control.

All eyes are on Pluto right now as it mirrors what we are collectively going through. This November, just after the US election, Pluto will leave Capricorn for good and move into Aquarius for twenty-one years, reflecting monumental changes and doing things differently.

Just like the sea defines the land around it over time, the longer orbits of the outer planets mean their effect will last over a period of years. You can view your life through astrology by looking at how the energy and transits of these planets have helped shape your growth.

Ann Arbor native Catherine Carlson is an astrologer who offers consultations for adults and children, She can be reached through her website at or by emailing

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Posted on September 1, 2024 and filed under Astrology, Columns, Issue #87, Metaphysical, Myth, Pagan, Readings.