Posts tagged #ritual

Book Review: A Lantern in the Dark: Navigate Life’s Crossroads with Story, Ritual, and Sacred Astrology

Danielle Blackwood meets readers at life’s crossroads–a space of “betwixt and between”–where she guides and inspires through story, ritual, and sacred astrology. Infused with myth, folklore, and the hidden wisdom in stories, A Lantern in the Dark, provides insights to readers of varying ages and stages of life while they stand at a juncture often riddled with confusion, dilemma, and restlessness.

Posted on September 1, 2023 and filed under Book Review, Astrology, Issue #84, Personal Growth.

Creating Tea Rituals to Nurture the Divine Feminine

Have you ever had a day where nothing was really going as planned? Or one you knew was going to be busy and full of stressors? We’ve probably all had a day where we felt ill, and energetically on empty with no desire to power through. Did you make yourself a nice cup of tea and instead of drinking it from a travel mug on the go, you sat and enjoyed your tea for a few moments? Did it make you feel better and more equipped to deal with the moment? My best guess is yes! If so, then you’ve experienced firsthand the ability a simple cup of tea has to transport, nourish, and fortify. You indulged in a simple time-tested act of healing and self-care. An activity that could easily be ritualized. Using tea to commune with the sacred has a long history starting in ancient China. It’s the intention that makes it a ritual.

Posted on September 1, 2021 and filed under Calendar Essays, Food & Nutrition, Herbal Medicine, Issue #78.

From Dawn to Dusk: 12 Notable People in Ann Arbor’s Body/Mind/Spirit Community Share Their Daily Rituals

Our daily rituals, traditions, practices, and exercises — while personal and involved for some are simply a way to live for others. Rituals can keep us sane, keep us honest with ourselves, and keep us going, whether we are aware of it or not.