Posts tagged #humor

Your Nodal Axis Knows

Years ago, my friend Lorraine and I were comparing junior high report cards which, back then, were much more than a letter grade representing your academic successes and failures. Teachers actually wrote a list of everything they wanted your parents to know you were or weren’t doing. In my case, the list was long and critical.

Posted on September 1, 2024 and filed under Astrology, Issue #87, Metaphysical, Pagan, Readings.

Fall Into Fitness — Seven Fun Ways to Ease into Fitness

Do you remember when you were a child and you watched mom or dad rake all the orange, yellow, or brown leaves scattered on the lawn into a pile? I remember how that pile was as high as my waistline (now I can’t even see my waistline), and it was just waiting for me to fall into them. And I did. Nowadays, I think of fall as a great time to refocus on fitness.

Posted on September 1, 2024 and filed under excercise, Issue #87, Wellness.

Sadist Summer Camp

It’s that time of year again: all the papers are full of ads for summer camps you can send your kids to. There’s Spanish Immersion Camp, Rock and Robot Camp, Filmmaker’s Camp, even something called Brain Monkeys Camp. We didn’t have camps like that when I was a kid. Ours weren’t nearly as specific or smart. We just had plain old summer camp.

Posted on May 1, 2024 and filed under Children, creativity, Issue #86.

Book Review: I'll Show Myself Out by Jessi Klein

In a world awash with bad news and the relentless cascade of life’s endless absurdities, Jessi Klein emerges as a comedic voice of reason, a beacon of humor and humanity amidst the chaos. Her eagerly anticipated second essay collection, I’ll Show Myself Out: Essays on Midlife & Motherhood takes readers on a riotous journey through the tangled web of motherhood, midlife, and the quirkiness of modern existence.

Posted on January 1, 2024 and filed under Book Review, Issue #85, Parenting.

Adventures In Cat Sitting

3:00 p.m.: I just arrived at my sister Deb’s for my pet sitting gig. The cats are wary and stand-offish but I’m sure I can remedy that. I begin by reading the little sticky notes left by my sister. Everything is efficiently tagged and labeled, then I see it—the notebook. As I scan the many pages of instructions, I can only marvel over how these animals have her trained. I will not be dictated to by a pack of felines!

Posted on January 1, 2024 and filed under Animals, Columns, Issue #85, Pets.

How Humor Helps Me Over a Hurdle

I’m working once again to lose my post-pregnancy weight…it’s been 25 years since the baby. There have been peaks and valleys, fitness regimens and meal plans. Just when I thought I had things under control, menopause slapped me in the face. I hit a plateau. A brick wall. A stand-off.