A Conversation With The Oversoul Of Hawaii

By Peggy River Singer

When Hawaii became a state in 1959, I was too young to understand what all the excitement was about. Decades would pass before I realized that my fascination and heart-connection with this ancient land was the result of past lives spent in Hawaii and elsewhere in Polynesia. I perceive the essential energy of Hawaii as joy combined with love, abundance, benevolence, and beauty. It gives me great pleasure and satisfaction to present this interview. 

Peggy: Hawaii has a very long and complex story. Where shall we begin?

Oversoul: Let us begin with your preconceptions.

Peggy: I would say, the heavy weight of human history. The heavy pressure on the original inhabitants, who now are few. The heavy energy of millions of tourists.

Oversoul: That is a splendid start, well done. Your focus is naturally on the many levels and flavors of human interactions with my islands. Look deeper; what do you see?

Peggy: The eternal Beingness of these islands, regardless of physical changes such as the creation of fresh lava which builds the islands' future.

Oversoul: Correct. My islands existed -- in an energetic, nonphysical sense -- for billions of years before Creator decided they were ripe for taking physical form. Your scientists have studied this process, so it is quite well known which of the islands are oldest, and which are youngest. Each island has its own Deva, with its own unique energy, history and "feel." Even the smallest islands are part of the whole, each in its own way. 

You have written about the Menehune, the Little People, who have been here since the beginning of my islands' physical forming. But even they are not the most ancient inhabitants; there have been others who were quite comfortable inhabiting my islands during their energetic, nonphysical phase. This is something your scientists have yet to discover.

Peggy: I love this idea, thank you! These will be new concepts to many of our readers as well.

Oversoul: Understand that like all of Motherworld, there are many layers and vibrations of energetic activity going on at the same time as normal human activity. You might visualize it in this way: You walk through a park, enjoying its beauty. Beside you, above you, below you, all around you are nonphysical beings enjoying the park in their own distinct ways, at the same time you are.

Peggy: Who are these beings, then? Are they from the past or the future, perhaps from other planets?

Oversoul: The present, the past, the future, different timelines, visitors from Elsewhere and Beyond and Otherwhere. The energies of my islands uniquely accommodate many, many forms of life. Far more than you are likely to be able to imagine, and far more than most other places on Earth.

Peggy: Will you share the names of some of those other places?

Oversoul: You are familiar with many of them. Glastonbury Tor. Machu Picchu. Sedona. Giza. Others are yet to be acknowledged by your kind. Pele wishes to join the conversation.

 Pele: I was brought into being at the same time as the Menehune. My role is to care for the physical manifestation of these islands. I am their guardian and protector. All who come here feel my presence in some way, whether they consciously acknowledge it or not. This is why so many people remember the experience the rest of their lives.

Peggy: So, are you involved with the nonphysical aspects of Hawaii, and all the beings that humans don't normally perceive?

Pele: No, that aspect is overseen by another, whose name is unfamiliar to humans.

Peggy: Do you actually guide and direct the activities of the Menehune?

 Pele: They are ancient and powerful beings, and well able to make their own decisions in most matters involving caring for the life forms and life energies of the islands. We do occasionally have a council when great matters must be considered, and I am honored to act as their advisor. In cases of unresolved conflict, my resolutions are respected.

Peggy: I feel like the great numbers of human visitors each year must be a burden on the islands.

Pele: In some ways, they are. I refer to litter, damage to the corals, thoughtless destruction of habitat. But so many visitors come here with love, expressing awe and wonder and delight; and those positive energies uplift and balance the overall spirit of place.

Peggy: I'm curious whether early native islanders worshipped both Pele and the Oversoul.

Pele: The Hunas / priests / shamans who possess higher awareness know of the Oversoul. In everyday life, I represent the heart of the land, so I am a convenient focus for spiritual questionings.

Peggy: How was it decided that the Hawaiian language would include only 13 letters/sounds?

Pele: [smiling] It is the rhythm, the repetition, the weaving and flowing of energy that makes this language so special. Listen to the sea, the waves coming and going on the shore, how they sing a duet with the sands and the rocks they pass over, and this will help you understand.

Peggy: Is there anything else you'd like our readers to know about Hawaii?

Oversoul: Those who are unable to physically experience this land can find many worthy recordings of traditional music and dances which convey the Beingness of Hawaii. Distance need not prevent you from communing in spirit. We are done.

Peggy River Singer is a Lightworker, animal communicator, medium, faerie ally, Reiki practitioner, and lifelong writer. She combines her gifts to help create harmonious relationships among all who share the Earth. Connect by phone at 734-548-0194; and by email at newbluecanoe@aol.com. Articles about her experiences and insights are posted on her blog, angelsfairiesandlife.wordpress.com.

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Posted on December 8, 2020 and filed under Environment, Intuition, Metaphysical, Nature.