Weaving Earth's Energies: A conversation with Madam Squirrel

By Peggy River Singer

I see (in my mind) a very large Fox Squirrel sitting on a branch of a maple tree framed by a clear blue sky, its red-gold fur glistening in the sunshine. And I feel a deep wave of love-energy move through my body.

Peggy: Good morning! How would you like me to address you, please?

Squirrel: You can call me Madam Squirrel. You can think of me as a shamanic elder and practical-daily-life counselor/advisor. I’m here to represent the squirrel species of the world, as well as those species who are familiar in the part of the world you live in. There are many qualities as well as assignments or responsibilities that we all share, you see.

Peggy: Thank you. I asked to talk with you because so many people love squirrels and enjoy watching them going through their busy lives. I’d like to learn about the spiritual lives of squirrels, how do they serve the Earth and Creation, what are their special abilities that are not apparent by merely looking at them?

Madam Squirrel: Let us begin with how squirrels divide their time between above-the-ground and on-or-under-the-ground. You have seen countless squirrels tiptoe along narrow branches and utility wires, fling themselves out into the air and land perfectly on the tip of a nearby branch, and perform many other feats requiring flawless balance. This lifestyle makes squirrels living reminders of the concept of balance to the humans who observe them.

As for unseen special abilities, squirrels are responsible for the weaving and maintenance of a network of energies around the planet, unseen by the human eye but perceptible by those humans who wish to open their senses to newness.

Peggy: What is the intention or purpose of the weaving?

Madam Squirrel: Balance, in all aspects and timelines and realities.

Peggy: Do all squirrels participate in the weaving?

Madam Squirrel: No. As you might expect, there are different levels of involvement available, according to one’s interests and desires. Any individual can choose whether to participate, in what role, for what period of time, and so forth. Many squirrels divide their time between what you would consider to be “normal squirrel lives” and the work they perform.

To support us in our chosen tasks, Creator has gifted us with a unique way to communicate. Every hair on a squirrel’s body acts as a receptor of Earth energies, very finely tuned and extremely sensitive. This helps us make instantaneous decisions about which way to move to escape a predator, and so forth. Many animals have similar senses. But for squirrels, there is an additional “singing” aspect to these finely-tuned hairs which allows long-distance communication, planet-wide. Billions of decisions are made every day by billions of squirrels around the world—living and nonphysical—in harmony with each other thanks to the singing hairs, tweaking and refining the weaving of the energies.

Peggy: Is this weaving affected by weather, floods, solar flares, or events like human wars with great loss of life?

Madam Squirrel: Up to a point. The weaving is eternal, but the energies expressed in violence, loss, and grief do affect the “tone” of the whole. That’s why so many individual squirrels are required, to preserve the overall integrity of the structure.

Peggy: Thank you for sharing this extraordinary information! Is there anything else you’d like to say today?

Madam Squirrel: I am pleased, I am honored to represent my people in this very meaningful way. I am content to know that my words will be shared by many, and I appreciate the opportunity to encourage respect for all living things, because each has their own unique gifts.

Peggy River Singer is a Pleiadian Starseed, Lightworker, all-beings communicator, faerie ally, and lifelong writer. More of her articles and channelings are posted on angelsfairiesandlife.wordpress.com. To request a reading, please call 734-548-0194.

Posted on October 2, 2024 and filed under animals, Intuition, Nature.