Photo courtesy of the Outreach Program of the Hattiesburg Zoo in Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
By Peggy River Singer
Years ago, I met a Blue-Tongued Skink in a private zoo. Placing my hand on his back felt like touching the shoulders of the Earth; pure solid groundedness and complete self-awareness. The other day, I was thinking about that skink when I was unexpectedly contacted. Here is our conversation...
River: Blessings to you, skink! Have we met before?
Skink: [chuckles] No, but I know the one you speak of. He sends good wishes; he remembers you, you see. Your energy was a refreshing change from the hands of visitors who were frightened of him. He thanks you for the experience.
River: That's a lovely compliment, thank you. What name shall I call you?
Skink: I am called Gumk-ki, a name referring to the waters of the stars. You may call me Skink, for simplicity. [Note: when pronouncing Gumk, it should feel as if you are gulping. Then the ki' is high-pitched and short, with a glottal stop, to balance the whole.]
River: Will you please explain what "the waters of the stars" means?
Skink: It is water which has been exposed to starlight at high elevations, in the mountains as you may describe it. This water has a rare purity, and profound healing properties.
River: When you first connected, you showed me an image of yourself with wisps of energies swirling above your head. Will you explain, please?
Skink: Gladly. My people are energy masters, we help to balance the energies of the Earth in cooperation with many other kinds of animal beings. The image I sent you showed the process of adjusting energies in order to encourage a gentle rain.
River: What other gifts do the skink people have? Anything to do with earthquakes?
Skink: Your perception is correct. We are so profoundly part of Mother Earth that our most important role is to adjust, strengthen, or weaken the energies of earth movements according to what Gaia has asked us to do. The greatest among us can do this merely by thought. As a mid-level practitioner, I move my body and my energies in particular ways to accomplish these adjustments.
River: Does it ever happen that the area you live in experiences a powerful earthquake due to your own workings? Are skink lives lost as a result?
Skink: Yes, of course this can be the case, occasionally; but usually only where drastic changes are required to correct dangerous imbalances. If a practitioner dies as a result, he or she is honored and offered either a resting time on the other side, or a quick return to a body according to his wishes, so as to be able to continue this vitally important work.
River: Will you tell us more about yourself?
Skink: I am a younger male, approximately 12 summers. I live in Australia, in the ancient homeland which is the heart of my people. I have a mate, who requests the courtesy of not being part of this conversation. She is working with the eggs forming within her body at this time.
River: I understand, thank you. Is there anything you do for recreation?
Skink: Our sort of recreation is likely to seem mild to humans! We do enjoy communing with the Moon, singing our ancient songs. You might compare this to wolves, though our songs are not heard with the ears but with the heart. We take great pleasure in beauty wherever it occurs. When our bellies are full, we spend hours in Dreamtime, where we can access the wisdom of all who have gone before as well as those who are to come.
River: I've heard about Dreamtime; I guess I thought it was something only the Aborigine people could get access to.
Skink: A common misconception; I am delighted to broaden your knowledge.
River: Do all the different kinds of skinks share the work you have described?
Skink: My tribe has been responsible for these workings since the beginning of things. Other tribes have their own specific tasks or workings. For example, three skink tribes work cooperatively with volcanic forces. There is great variation in the ways we help Creator.
River: Is there anything else you would like to help our readers understand about skinks?
Skink: Yes. Those of us who choose to live with humans continue to go about our work in ways that are too subtle for most humans to perceive. Respect and mindfulness on the part of our human hosts will be appreciated and repaid with new understandings, to those who are willing to receive with an open mind and heart.
River: Thank you for this talking. Please extend my best wishes to your mate for happy, healthy babies.
Skink: Indeed. Good life to you.
Peggy River Singer is a heart-centered animal communicator, medium, faerie ally, Reiki practitioner, and lifelong writer. She combines her gift for communications with her psychic abilities to help create harmonious relationships among all who share the Earth. Connect by phone at 734-548-0194; and by email at She shares her experiences and insights on her blog,
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