I see (in my mind) a very large Fox Squirrel sitting on a branch of a maple tree framed by a clear blue sky, its red-gold fur glistening in the sunshine. And I feel a deep wave of love-energy move through my body.
When Spirit Sings: A Conversation With The Cicada Queen
A few years ago, during a major cicada emergence, I was visiting a friend who lived out of town. As I said my goodbyes and walked to my car, I thought I could hear singing off in the distance. There were no buildings within a mile, no vehicles blasting music, and it wasn’t coming from my phone, so I pulled my car over to the side of the road and turned off the engine to listen.
"Precious" Lessons
When I split from my ex in the late 1980's, I didn't take the toaster or the television with me. Instead, I got custody of the tarantula.
A Lesson From an Unfortunate Groundhog
Whenever I see one of my friends, he always mentions Michigan’s roads. His impression of Michigan is that it is a land of bad roads with many dead animals on the side. I also had a bad first impression of Michigan roads. The sight of dead animals on the roadside was very pitiful after I started to drive not long ago.
Have You Ever Heard The Groundhogs Sing?
I spent some time with a family of Groundhogs this morning, as they went about getting some breakfast in the cool of the day. These animals are common in my apartment complex; most residents enjoy seeing them (especially the adorable kits), while Management puts out live traps every year because of the structural damage Groundhogs cause by digging burrows under our buildings. As I was talking quietly to Mama and her six kits, I realized that although these animal neighbors SEEM so familiar and ordinary to us humans, they must surely have hidden depths...
The Catboys are (in alphabetical order at their request) Alvin, Atticus, Jasper, and Tobie. Jasper transitioned two years ago, and is just as insightful and sassy on the other side as he was while here. This article is an excerpt from a recent conversation, or as we like to call it, a Talking.
The Heart and Soul of Bird Watching
Birds and other animals are fully "plugged in" to the energetic world around us, in all its unseen complexity; and this permits instant communication among them. It also helps them pick up on our energies, especially our emotional energies. They can easily perceive when they're being watched by humans, especially when that attention is magnified by the unblinking "eyes" of binocular or camera lenses.
Milo and Corky
By Monica Turenne, D.V.M.
It was cold, raining, and late, but I had one house call left. I had received a phone call from this pet parent just a few days prior to this night. She had a 14-year-old Husky mix with severe arthritis who could no longer get around anymore.