By Monica Turenne, D.V.M.
Imagine if your pet was diagnosed with a terminal illness, and a specialist or your family veterinarian told you that your pet now has a very limited life span. This is a scenario that every pet parent fears.
By Monica Turenne, D.V.M.
Imagine if your pet was diagnosed with a terminal illness, and a specialist or your family veterinarian told you that your pet now has a very limited life span. This is a scenario that every pet parent fears.
By Monica Turenne, D.V.M.
I arrived at their home, and like most initial pet hospice consultations, I was not sure what I was going to see. For the family, I always prepare for sadness and tears, and my heart leaps for joy when I get smiles.
By Monica Turenne, D.V.M.
It was cold, raining, and late, but I had one house call left. I had received a phone call from this pet parent just a few days prior to this night. She had a 14-year-old Husky mix with severe arthritis who could no longer get around anymore.
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