By Jeanne Adwani
For those of you who read my last blog post, how was the foolishness of the Fool’s energy these last couple of weeks? What did you notice as you explored the idea and feeling of being the fool, or acting foolish, or maybe just letting the innocence of creative exploration have you for a little while? I fell back in love with the little dog, and that feeling of loyalty and love that leads and follows me as I leap into life and it’s possibilities. Dog — God spelled backwards.
As I said in my last blog, I want to speak to some of the stories that live in the Major Arcana of the tarot cards. I started with The Fool on the April Fool's day as it seemed a perfect jump into the cards, and that is one of the Fool's favorite things to do: "He/She who jumps into life as living spirit energy and risks living life as endless creative possibilities." The Magician, #1, takes the step.
““...that is one of the Fool’s favorite things to do: ‘He/She who jumps into life as living spirit energy and risks living life as endless creative possibilities.’””
It came to my attention that some of you might have no idea who the Major Arcana archetypes are. I have given this link: for you so that if you wish, you can get a little information from my perspective. I will be adding more over time.
I invite you to see/feel/wonder for yourself what wisdom rises in you to understand the energy in relationship to every card, remembering that inherent in each card, is all extremes and in-betweens. I focus on the positive direction of the cards. For me, slipping too much into the negative breeds more negativity. How do you want the story of your life to go? How might you feed what is positive and life enhancing? Consider: that what you feed grows, and that doesn't only mean your puppy in the morning.
““For me, slipping too much into the negative breeds more negativity. How do you want the story of your life to go? How might you feed what is positive and life enhancing? Consider: that what you feed grows, and that doesn’t only mean your puppy in the morning.””
The Magician (#1) is he/she who follows the Fool (0). With that jump into life as an innocent, free spirit, full of creative possibilities, the next step that happens is the getting to know yourself, individuating, and grounding more into life as you perceive it. Finding the magic in the elements of Earth, Air, Water, Fire, and that Free Spirit of energy ever present, that the Fool has gifted you with through this entire journey of life.
You are number ONE. It’s all about you with the dance of these elements in an alchemic way. That is where the magic lives.
Learning that: the breath of life, the ground beneath you, the passion of what lights you up, the flow of heart and feelings . . . it is the mixing and melding of these element with whatever and however you define ‘Spirit’. Finding out what works for you or doesn't. Finding acceptance in what fails. Seeing how you build self worth and esteem by trying again, knowing that you have all the tools you need to make magic happen in your life. There is a limitless availability of creative energy waiting for you to take action on behalf of yourself.
““There is a limitless availability of creative energy waiting for you to take action on behalf of yourself.””
When the Magician falters and sees the self through negative eyes, self-worth pummels into lack and a feeling that the ‘magic’ has abandoned him. That the elemental tools have forsaken him to the stories that other’s imposed on him, and whatever she does is valueless and worthless on her own. A victim mentality sets in, and fault lies outside of the self and gets projected on others.
The path back to the magic of Being, requires self-care and a deeper look into self-responsibility. Owning our flaws, our missteps, our carelessness, and inappropriateness. We all have that going on periodically and feel the emptiness in those feelings. What if… someone didn't do that to us? What if… we unconsciously let them? What if… in our moments of low self-worth, we let others impose their will and negative thinking on us? Can we own that we played some role in this exchange and have some responsibility in how the world moves and grooves around us? Can we acknowledge that we let our vulnerability be negatively exposed, and that we gave over our personal power to someone else’s opinion, thoughts, and projected crap, that we take on as our truth?
Eek. I know that when I do this, I need to shift my perspective and bring myself into the moment and access my joy levels. If I’m not feeling joyful and good about myself then it’s time to clean out other people's negative opinions and ‘bad’ energy around me. Doesn't it feel draining to be in the presence of negativity? I find that when I acknowledge that negative drain and move away from it rather than feed it, I feel way better. I can access my joy. I don’t have to make it mine or engage it one bit further. Bye Bye. I get to change my perspective, pull my personal power back into myself, and realize that I am worthy as I am, and enough as I am. The ‘Eek’ becomes a ‘Yippee’ and my magical connection to the world around me pulses positively. I get to weld the magical properties of the elements once again and feel my joy and connectedness to my world. Does that resonate for you?
““If I’m not feeling joyful and good about myself then it’s time to clean out other people’s negative opinions and ‘bad’ energy around me.””
I pulled out the Aces in the deck to complement the Magician. The number Ones are all allies. They are all elemental initiators. A force of energy that invites us into the get-up and go for something new and exciting. These four cards are reminders and opportunities for Magician energy to be experienced and explored more deeply by the gift of each element. I have shared a few question for each card to get you started in pondering what they might be for your Magician self. See what ones feel right for you now as you consider how they might help deepen your self with your self. Who’s speaking to you and what message of wisdom asks to be initiated in you? Who invites you to better know your highest good?
Ace of Pentacles (Earth)
- How do you honor and initiate what you do?
- What awareness do you have of your body, your work? How do you do what you do? What needs you to take action on now?
- What new projects need your attention?
- What does your body ask of you right now?
- What is one small way you might initiate a more grounded sense of being?
Ace of Wands (Fire)
- How do you honor and initiate what inspires and lights you up?
- What awareness of your passions, your creative energy, your inspiration calls you to wake up and turn the light on?
- What small step might you take that ignites your greatest passion?
Ace of Swords (Air)
- How do you honor and initiate your thoughts and ideas?
- What new thoughts are brewing in you?
- What needs to be cleared away so that you can have space for something new?
- How do you breath life into your life?
- What awareness is in the wind that calls you now?
Ace of Cups (Water)
- How do you honor and initiate your feelings?
- How do you move from you heart? How might you flow differently?
- What is your intuition telling you right now?
- What awareness is quietly calling to you from you heart?
- What is it telling you? Are you listening?
Jeanne Adwani is an Ann Arbor businesswoman who owns Be Hair Now, a hair salon right in the heart of Ann Arbor. She's an artist/poet, a creativity coach, and a Metaphysical enthusiast. This is the second post in her ongoing segment for the Crazy Wisdom Journal blog, about Tarot, Numerology, and other metaphysical modalities. Read more about it here.
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