By Jeanne Adwani
April brings in its first day with a little foolin’ around. Welcome The Fool, and let the invitation of his/her energy begin the Journey of the Major Arcana. Out of all the 78 cards in a traditional Tarot deck, The Fool (0) begins the journey. Over the next few weeks, in tandem with whatever other inspirations the cards and numbers invite us into, I will be taking you on the Path of the Major Arcana. What better way to begin this trip than April Fool’s day.
It also is the first day of National Poetry Writers Month, Since I am a poet by heart, mind, and spirit, I will be sharing some of that with you here as it will be inspired by the Major Arcana. I will be posting a poem every day here > Please give a visit at your convenience.
A little numerology that I find interesting about the Fool:
Add the numbers up for the Fool, and you get the last number of the Major Arcana, 21—The World/Universe. It looks like this:
What I love about these numbers is that ‘6’ is the Lovers and ‘3’ is the Empress. To know the Fool truly, is to know Love. To know love and feel the experience of love is the journey of relationships with others as well as yourself. And within the Empress archetype is a trinity of creative energy that brings inclusiveness by ‘birthing’ something wonderful and new from the coupling of other. There is a magic of purpose that invites all that Creative potential of the Universe (21) into a vast, endless life of possibility. Infinite possibility.
““To know the Fool truly, is to know Love.””
And now, the Fool speaks for herself:
“Imagine the feeling of absolute freedom. Can you? Or has the world and life got a grip on you that you believe keeps you from your definition of freedom? What does freedom look/feel/smell/taste like for you? How might the spirit of freedom call you into your life to be expressed and experienced?
Now imagine: you are unencumbered by all those sensorial experiences in a limited space. Imagine not being held to stuff and things, people and work, the order and structure of a life that holds you to this place, or that space. Imagine that. Give yourself to: the notion, the thought, the feeling, that what might appear a foolishness by one is an act of creative possibilities and infinite wonder by you, should you like to join me.
““Give yourself to: the notion, the thought, the feeling, that what might appear a foolishness by one is an act of creative possibilities and infinite wonder by you, should you like to join me.””
Personally, the less I have of material objects and that stuff we all know about, the more space I have to explore and take the risk of living a life of creative choice. The more opportunity I have to be present in each moment because that is the only moment that IS.
You probably noticed I have my trusted pet with me. She’s loving, and loyal. I trust her instincts and her joy of being fully present in each moment. Reminding me again, that the only place that matters is in this joyful, wondrous instant. That each step I take is the first on the Path of realizing my potential, and the magic of living this instant as if it were the first instant I ever had.
I do feel fearless. I mean, why not, right? If I don’t jump into life with pure innocence, free from what I make up in my mind’s eye about what I’m jumping into, then I have a story going on in that jumble of my mind about where I’m jumping, and what I might be jumping into that limits my possibilities. What fun is that? And I probably, most likely, have this story I made up that has NO truth to it, because how would I know what is about to meet and greet me? NO idea. Do you really ever know? I made it all up in my thoughts just like you do, over and over. And I hope by now you know how powerful thoughts are. You have been on this journey with me before and I’m here to tweak your memory.
““I give up my story line. I don’t need a story that limits me, pulls me out of my Now, feeds the negative when I can feed the positive, with fearless abandon. Love, music, loyalty, and the pursuit of wonder and magic is all that matters.””
With that said, I give up my story line. I don’t need a story that limits me, pulls me out of my Now, feeds the negative when I can feed the positive, with fearless abandon. Love, music, loyalty, and the pursuit of wonder and magic is all that matters. You are, after all, of Divine Source in a Universe that is constantly creating. And why not let Joy be your birthright. I will let the Universe have me and teach me what I need for this life’s experiences. How about you? Can you jump into life with the intent of knowing that the exact right experience is present for you? Can you BE in this moment with me, foolishly allowing the spaciousness of living to fill you up and lead you forward? Can you risk everything to have everything? Can you give to life your life?”
Be the Fool and jump
Life has been waiting for you
Trust is love diving
NOTE: The Tarot decks used; RWS, The Thoth deck, Mother Peace, and Morgan Greer.
Jeanne Adwani is an Ann Arbor businesswoman who owns Be Hair Now, a hair salon right in the heart of Ann Arbor. She's an artist/poet, a creativity coach, and a Metaphysical enthusiast. This is the first post in her ongoing segment for the Crazy Wisdom Journal blog, about Tarot, Numerology, and other metaphysical modalities. Read more about it here.
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