Once through the door, I knew I was in for a treat. The tables, chairs, and stools are all mixed and matched vintage pieces, no two settings alike. I didn’t feel like I had stepped back in time so much as the best pieces of kitchens past had come together to create a colorful, eclectic, welcoming space. I think a lot of thought and care went into creating this unique restaurant, yet it comes across as effortless and just plain fun!
Of course, I was there for the food, too, and the all vegan and gluten-free menu is definitely a star. I immediately saw Shimmy’s scrumptious cookies, which I know from local Ann Arbor cafes (such as the Crazy Wisdom Tea Room), but I managed to forge ahead and pass them by in favor of a Cookie Monster shake (their own cowgirl cookie blended with vanilla soy ice cream), a Shimmy Coney (grilled Lightlife® brand soy hotdog, vegan chili, mustard, and finely chopped onion on a grilled gluten-free bun), sweet potato fries, and garlic dipping sauce.
Shimmy’s menu is obviously diner-inspired with burgers, coneys, pitas, chili, nachos, fries, soups, shakes, and some other fun surprises. It proves that vegan food doesn’t have to be fancy or out-of-reach for the average person. What is more traditionally American than burgers and fries? What says “Michigan” more than a coney dog? Shimmy brings what might seem like a difficult food choice well within everybody’s reach.
If you are a meat-eater (as I am), the occasional opening up of your diet to new choices and possibilities won’t hurt you. Next to the register is a sign that offers different reasons to go vegan, including allergies, weight and health, religion/spirituality, family, compassion, and the environment. Even cutting down on meat consumption one day a week can have an impact on all of these areas as well. (#MeatlessMonday, anyone?)
I know there are people who may worry about being “preached at” at a restaurant like this, but I never felt that way at all. It’s a celebration of good food. I myself have a restricted diet, so Shimmy’s menu is great for me. If you, too, have food intolerances or allergies, you may well rejoice! Especially with those cookies.
Shimmy Shack is located at 1440 Sheldon Road in Plymouth. They are open Tuesday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., closed Mondays. For more information, visit shimmyshack.com or call (734) 228-5990.
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