Filtering by Author: Megan Sims

The Golden Key to Everything: Imagination

Picture a world in which imagination is valued for the infinite expansion it adds to our lives. Government, toilet paper, electricity, e=mc2, Jazz, Starry Night…these all sprang from the deep well of their creator's active imagination. Yet in families, schools, government, commerce, and most other corners of our culture, imagination is often seen as frivolous, a waste of time, or unprofitable. It is neglected in favor of the countless more “important” tasks that fill our days, our screens, or pay the bills. Those who forge ahead by letting their imaginations run wild in the face of adversity, such as Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King, Gertrude Stein, Gandhi, Steve Jobs, Toni Morrison, and so many other creative warriors, shine a path into a better world for the rest of us to follow.

Posted on September 1, 2023 and filed under Creative Nonfiction, creativity, Issue #84.

Empowered by Earthella--Ann Arbor's Planet Parade & Action Network

It was a typically beautiful autumn afternoon in Ann Arbor, and I was happily wandering around the Farmers’ Market in Kerrytown, heading toward the People’s Food Co-op. Well, I was mostly happy, aside from that sort of nagging feeling rolling around in the dark back corners of my mind—that antsy sense of restlessness about what’s happening, (and not happening) with our environment, our climate, our depleting soil, our very soul as one entity—human…. “What is really happening here?”

Posted on September 1, 2022 and filed under Environment, Issue #81, Local, Nature.

Becoming Me, Again: The Dance of Transformation

My greatest gift is that I lead with the heart. Like a blooming yellow rose, I experience my life as a continuous, golden unfolding. Despite the daily stresses that human life brings, abundance, gratitude, and joy are my daily diet—synchronicity, intuition, and faith are my guiding lights.