Posts filed under Programs

Seeds for the Future — A Local Organic Seed Grower Explains the Importance of the Emerging Seed Movement

By Erica Kempter

Let’s stop and envision an ideal food system. One that gives us the collective ability to feed ourselves sustainably for generations to come; one that provides healthy, safe food for all. A system where most of this food comes from local, organic farms that don’t work against nature, but with it. . .

Posted on May 1, 2014 and filed under Programs.

Animal Educators: The Creature Conservancy Provides a Home for Animals and Educational Opportunities for the Community

Zoos provide opportunities to see unique animals, but where can children and adults go to touch exotic animals and ask questions about them? The Creature Conservancy, an Ann Arbor-based nonprofit organization, provides that type of hands-on learning experience for children and adults.

Posted on May 1, 2014 and filed under Animals, Children, Profile, Programs.

On Flying: How Contemporary Circus Arts Teach Adults to Play

By Kathleen Livingston

When most people think of the circus, they conjure up the big top and the three rings of a traditional circus. A caravan rolls into town. A big collared cat jumps through a fiery hoop. A child rides on a saddled elephant’s back. 

Christina Sears-Etter and People Dancing: Connecting Hearts Through the Arts

By Rachel Urist | Photos by Edda Pacifico 

Ann Arbor’s People Dancing is one of two professional, nonprofit modern dance companies founded in Ann Arbor in 1985 still thriving today. Ann Arbor Dance Works was founded by members of the University of Michigan dance faculty. The company’s dancers are faculty members, guest artists, and select graduate and undergraduate dance students. People Dancing was founded by Whitley Setrakian Hill, who led the group until 1999, when she moved to Nashville and passed the baton to Christina Sears-Etter.

Posted on January 1, 2014 and filed under Winter 2014 Issue, excercise, Programs.