Conversations with Nature


By Laurel Hogge

There is a reason we feel more peaceful when we spend time connecting with our pets or hiking in the forest. Nature is in perpetual energetic flow and does not manipulate energy the way people do. Humans continually try to divert, filter, suppress, create, and extinguish energy. Because of this, when we are immersed in the flow of nature, our body’s energetic response is to line up with that frequency. We let go of a little of that human tendency to control energy. It’s relaxing, and when we are relaxed, we are open to receive communication from our own intuition as well as Source (the name I will use in reference to God, Universe, Deity, Divinity).

We could all use some extra help to answer the questions that are dearest to us. Whether or not our questions are complex and life changing, Source is eager to guide us toward balance so we can move more confidently on our authentic and joyful path. I find that once I open the conversation, and invite Source to share messages with me, I feel an urge to get outside. Then I listen and pay attention to what is happening all around me from the ground to the sky and everywhere in between.

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I began receiving messages from nature without knowing it was happening. For many years I took the same hiking routes hundreds of times without any notable nature signs. It was when I reached out specifically to ask for guidance that my outings took on a magical tone. Serendipitous discoveries became gifts with meanings that were directly given to my soul. Perhaps you can relate to some of my experiences.

At first, I came across feathers. I soon had a collection of assorted colors and sizes from many different species. And then it became common to stop in my tracks to find an animal pausing long enough for me to look into her eyes. Foxes, coyotes, wild turkeys, and deer seemed to be everywhere. With the frequency of these encounters, I became curious. I began searching online, and in books, to find out why this was happening, and I learned to apply symbolism and meaning to my wilderness encounters.

I learned that many spiritual traditions practice communicating with the supernatural through the natural. Some of them are ancient, and over time these traditions have created their own symbolism and language associated with this practice. It fascinates me that many Native American traditions refer to working with nature as a way of healing through “medicine” that brings us into inner balance—in other words, into harmony with nature. For example, when one is visited by crows in life, in dreams, or in meditation, “crow medicine” is being applied. Cherokee tradition teaches that Crow medicine “gives us the ability to make decisions, open ourselves to change, and experience magic in the world around us.” After learning this, I stopped viewing this common bird through its popular assignment as an ominous, dark pest. I now see a bright reminder that spiritual magic is everywhere. 

There are hundreds of elements in nature that have symbolic healing power. In other words, a coyote is not simply a wild dog. It carries with it information—depending on where it is seen, whether it is calling out or silent, and whether it is playing, hiding, hunting, eating, or being watchful. 

In the Navajo tradition, Coyote is a symbol of mischief and playfulness. Seeing one is usually a reminder to take life less seriously. I have taken this as the message I needed many times. However, there was a time I needed a different message. I was at an important crossroads in life when I needed to transition from homemaker for a family of six to a full-time career that would bring financial independence. Seeing a coyote crouched at the edge of my neighbor’s field and focused on the flock of Canada geese in front of it, I was encouraged to trust Source that I would find what I needed. The message was that it was a time to be less carefree and to focus on survival. Even when I was discouraged by job application rejections, Source reassured me that I have useful skills. I just might have to be patient as I prepared for the right moment to pounce.

Just remember, when searching out the meaning of a nature message you received, that the interpretation for nature messages varies depending on the author of the website or book. Don’t despair! This creates an added opportunity to personalize your experience with nature messages. For example, when blue jays began showing up for me in a dramatic way, I did a quick search for its spirit meaning. I was overwhelmed to find there were multiple variations on its meaning. Once I spent time considering its importance for me personally, I then assigned the meaning that resonated most for me in that moment. Blue jay became a symbol of coming into my own strength and sharing wisdom with others. I was in yoga teacher training, learning about the chakra system, when I realized the blue jay’s turquoise plumes coincide with the color of the throat chakra. So, it is no coincidence that when I most needed encouragement to be seen and heard as a confident teacher, Source would send a blue jay message. A bright blue streak would fly across my path just in time to remind me not to be afraid to be seen. Or I could hear their unmistakable call loud and clear and it was a reminder to me that I needed to speak up and speak clearly.     

If you want to connect to Source through nature, try looking at it as a type of meditation. Similar to being in the flow of nature, meditation helps us surrender to energetic flow. Both are also a dialogue in the sense that we can ask questions and speak our needs to Source, and with gratitude and openness we can anticipate that an answer will come to us. Like meditation, it takes practice to develop and fine tune an approach that works best for each individual. That’s the fun part because it means we get to be curious and creative. We can use existing techniques or develop our own. It’s really not important how the information comes through. It’s about using your beautiful intuitive guide to connect with Source through nature.

As you begin to examine the symbolism behind your own nature discoveries, you will find that Source has a message intended just for you. There is no need to be overly anxious. Just be aware. Open your heart and surrender to the magic of discovering what is guiding you and what it is trying to tell you. Invite your spirit guides to communicate through nature messages; then, go about your day in a spirit of trust that what is needed will come at the moment you need it.

And remember to thank Source and nature, because gratitude opens us up even more to receive a continual and flowing dialogue.

Suggestions for communicating with and through nature:

• Meditate to open your heart and mind

• Ask to be guided through nature

•  Be in nature as often as possible

•  Learn traditional symbolism

•  Explore your own symbolism and write it down

•  Take note of nature in dreams as well as in waking life

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