Spirit Seeds: Fall 2024

Welcome to Spirit Seeds! In this new column readers submit their questions, and we dive deep to find the answers. We’ll embark on a journey of holistic exploration, delving into ancient practices and unraveling the enigmas of existence. Whether you’re a seasoned enthusiast or a curious newcomer, this column offers a platform for deepening your understanding and expanding your consciousness. Are you curious about a certain new-age subject or practice? Seeking advice or perspective on a spiritual or holistic matter? Submit your questions at AskSpiritSeed@gmail.com and have a chance to be featured in our next issue.

By Triana Jones

How can I better harness the energy of lunar cycles in my manifestation rituals? I feel like my intentions aren’t materializing as strongly as I’d hoped.

First, you need to very clearly set your intentions. See what it is you are trying to manifest clearly in your mind’s eye before you start doing any type of ritual work. Then align your intentions with the phases of the moon. Each phase of the lunar cycle is powerful in assisting each phase of your manifestation. The new moon is perfect for setting new intentions and beginning new projects—think of it as planting seeds. Take some quiet time to meditate on what you truly want to manifest, write it down, and keep it somewhere special. As the moon moves into the waxing crescent and first quarter phases, focus on taking actionable steps toward your goals. This is the time to put in the work and stay motivated. Use visualization techniques and keep affirming your intentions daily.

The full moon is when the moon’s energy is at its peak, making it a great time for amplifying your manifestations and expressing gratitude. Have a full moon ritual where you light candles, speak your intentions out loud, and visualize them coming to fruition. It’s also a good time to release any negative energy or obstacles that might be holding you back. During the waning gibbous and last quarter phases, focus on letting go of what no longer serves you. Reflect on your progress, adjust your plans if necessary, and clear out any clutter, both physically and mentally. Finally, in the waning crescent phase, rest and recharge. Reflect on your journey, practice self-care, and prepare for the next new moon cycle. Consistency is key. Keep a lunar journal to track your rituals and manifestations. Be patient and compassionate with yourself; sometimes, it takes a few cycles to see significant results. Trust the process and stay aligned with the lunar energy.

I’ve been practicing remote healing. What are the most advanced methods to ensure that the healing energy is transmitted effectively over long distances?

Remote healing takes patience and practice, but in time profound results can be achieved. First, establish a strong energetic connection. Before you start, ground yourself through deep breathing or a brief meditation. Visualize roots growing from your feet into the earth, anchoring you. Next, create a clear mental image of the person you’re sending healing to. Focus on their face and imagine a golden light connecting your heart to theirs. This helps bridge the physical distance energetically. Using symbols can be very effective. In Reiki, for example, the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen symbol is specifically used for distance healing. Drawing or visualizing this symbol can strengthen your intent and direct energy more precisely. Set a sacred space for your healing session, even if it’s remote. Light a candle, play soft music, or use crystals like Clear Quartz or Amethyst to amplify your energy. These elements help create a powerful, focused environment.

While sending energy, stay in a state of unconditional love and compassion. Your intention is key, so maintain a positive and focused mindset. Visualize the person enveloped in healing light, seeing them whole and healthy. After the session, ground yourself again and disconnect from their energy to maintain healthy boundaries. Drinking water and resting can also help you recover. Lastly, trust in the process. Remote healing works through intention and universal energy, so believe in your ability to make a positive impact. Regular practice will strengthen your skills and your connection to the healing energy.

I’ve noticed repeating angel numbers, particularly 11:11 and 333, in my daily life. How can I decipher the specific messages my angels are trying to communicate?

Noticing repeating angel numbers like 11:11, 10:10, and 333 is a clear sign that your angels are trying to communicate with you. When you see 11:11, it’s a powerful reminder that you are aligned with your higher self and the universe. It’s a call to focus on your true desires and spiritual growth. The number 1 often signifies new beginnings and opportunities. Take a moment to reflect on what you truly want, and set positive intentions.

Seeing 10:10 is a message about personal development and spiritual awakening. It’s a nudge to stay optimistic and trust the process. This number often appears when you need to keep faith in your path and recognize that you are being guided toward your highest good. Think of it as an encouragement to stay focused and persistent. Don’t give up just yet. Your blessings are surely coming.

The number 333 indicates that the Ascended Masters are close by, offering their support and encouragement. It’s a sign that you are on the right path and that your talents and abilities are being recognized. This number often appears when you need reassurance and guidance to express your true self and embrace your inner power. To get more clarity, spend a few moments in quiet reflection or meditation when you see these numbers. Ask your angels for guidance and be open to receiving their messages through your intuition, dreams, or sudden insights. Keep a journal to note when and where you see these numbers and any thoughts or events surrounding them. Over time, patterns will emerge, revealing deeper meanings. Trust your intuition, stay positive, and know that your angels are always there to support and guide you.

I’ve been exploring the concept of soul contracts and am curious how I can identify and fulfill my current life’s agreements. What techniques or meditations can aid in this discovery?

A soul contract is something each one of us has taken on before we make our journey for life here on Earth. Identifying them is most often the easy part — fulfilling them can take time. Meditation is a powerful tool for this discovery. Start with a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed. Close your eyes, take deep breaths, and center yourself. Visualize a golden light surrounding you, providing protection and clarity. Ask your higher self to reveal your soul contracts. You might see images, feel emotions, or hear messages that give you clues about your agreements. Journaling after meditation can be incredibly insightful. Write down any thoughts, feelings, or images that come up. Over time, patterns will emerge that can help you understand your soul contracts. Pay attention to recurring themes, people, or situations in your life—they often point to these agreements.

Consider working with a past life regression therapist or a spiritual advisor. They can guide you through sessions that reveal past life experiences and the contracts carried over into this life. These sessions can provide clarity on unresolved issues or lessons you’re meant to learn. Also, practice mindfulness and be observant of your relationships and experiences. Often, soul contracts are reflected in significant relationships or recurring life themes. Notice what challenges and joys consistently appear in your life, as they usually indicate areas where your soul is working through its contracts. Finally, trust your intuition. Your inner knowing is a direct line to your higher self and your soul’s purpose. By staying open and attentive, you’ll gradually uncover and fulfill your soul contracts, aligning with your higher path. Be patient and compassionate with yourself throughout this journey.

Triana Jones is certified in Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy, Reiki 1 & 2, and Herbalism. She founded Spirit Seed Center, a virtual learning space. She lives in Ypsilanti with her two young children and their pitbull, Akasha.

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Posted on September 1, 2024 and filed under Columns, Intuition, Issue #87, Metaphysical.