By Gayle Fitzgerald
Excitingly, after an intense year of cleansing and completion in 2016, 2017 heralds a cycle for promising beginnings birthed from the heart. According to the ancient metaphysical science of numerology, 2017 has a universal vibration of a one (2+0+1+7=10, 1+0=1). This is a collective influence that affects everybody. Perhaps, in some way, we can breathe a sigh of relief as 2017 will feel more vibrant and alive, and we will probably have more get up and go.
2016 called for a quite a bit of internal work and shifting which used a lot of energy as did some of the deep emotional purification and, at times, turmoil that was present. However, it is important to look at the big picture and trust that what ended in 2016 for you was not serving the highest good in a significant way. This is because it was a nine year (2+0+1+6 =9), and nine is the vibrations of endings. Nine is the last of the single digit numbers and one is the first.
2017, a one year, is, generally speaking, a great year for planting seeds so to speak. “Plant” wisely: some of these seeds can grow and blossom over the next nine years. Be discerning with where you focus and what you put your energy into. Be somewhat one-pointed for enhanced results.
To thrive in a one cycle requires confidence, creativity, and courage. This is a time to go for what you want. This is not a year to sit by the sidelines and watch life go by. It is time to dive into life at a whole new level. The one energy calls for independence and assertion. You have to take steps this year toward your goals. Waiting around for something to happen or change is much less likely to get you closer to what you truly want. Take some action and at times be out of your comfort zone. The inner knowingness deep within your heart will help you navigate this uncharted territory.
“To thrive in a one cycle requires confidence, creativity, and courage. This is a time to go for what you want.”
The strong eight influence present in ‘17 (1+7=8) is truly a year of taking responsibility. The law of karma: in essence, what goes around, comes around is particularly potent in this cycle. We all must go to a new level of owning who we truly are and the co-creation of our reality. This attitude will be empowering. Harboring or festering too much victim consciousness can attract more of the same and be truly disempowering. 2017 will be prompting you to be in your power like never before.
The 19 vibe significantly present in 2017 (2+17=19) is also especially karmic. Those who deserve the fruits of abundance in various forms for their past and present energy and efforts can reap an abundant harvest. At first, this could look like lady luck smiling fortunately upon a person, but it is actually a karmic reward. For those who have been called to grow and change in some profound way and have not been able to for one reason or another, 2017 could be more a challenge.
It is important to remember that complaining about circumstances truly won’t serve. Everyone is being called to step up and embrace the next level of responsibility in co-creating their reality -- in order to have a more successful, prosperous and powerful year.
The strong one and eight influences require mental focus. Writing down your short and long term goals and reading them just before and after sleep will help you to harness the power of your mind and contributes to shaping your reality. However, don’t be overly rigid in your thinking. Trust that what will be for the highest good will come your way. Also, positive affirmations are especially favorable this year. These practices will help you to get through the times this year when determination and persistence are being asked of you.
“The strong one and eight influences require mental focus. Writing down your short and long term goals and reading them just before and after sleep will help you to harness the power of your mind and contributes to shaping your reality.”
Overall, this is a fantastic year for heart based birth and rebirth, such as marriage, being in a new relationship or even going single. It is also a favorable cycle for starting or expanding your own business, launching a new career or position, initiating a creative project, having a child, adopting a pet, and relocating.
2017 is beckoning you to go to the next level of unique and wonderful YOU. Shine your signature self in a new light!
Gayle Fitzgerald is a Master Numerologist, Celestial Conduit, and Healing & Transformation Specialist. She has over 35 years experience in metaphysics, is the Founder of Celestial Vibrations, L.L.C., and offers transformational, breakthrough sessions by phone. Call (734) 327- 8423 or visit
What resides in our unconscious is as much a part of who we are, and how we behave, as what makes up our consciousness. The language of the unconscious is imagery. The rules by which it functions are mythical. Science seems to lag behind the arts in its grasp of the paradoxes inherent to humanity. The psyche expresses itself through symbol and metaphor that can best be understood through stories, as stories allow for the unknown. Stories tolerate mystery.