Quantum Field, the Collective Unconscious, and Intentional Creation

By G Arthur Weidman

What do the Collective Unconscious and the Quantum Field have in common? Everything. They are one and the same. And what does the Quantum Field have to do with Intentional Creation? Everything. This is where all creation takes place.

To explain how this works, it is first necessary to consider the structure of the Universe. Consider the two graphics to the right. One is essentially based on the idea that matter and energy create all living, conscious things, and the other has, at its base, consciousness, meaning that consciousness is the underlying creative force for all things manifest.

The first image is essentially the western model of how our universe is structured; but as a philosopher, I would argue that this model contains an essential flaw. Looking at the model, you can see that consciousness seems to emerge somewhere around the level of biology, and this view is widely held among many scientists. They always seem to be looking for the origin of life. My view however is that this scenario cannot happen because that which is not conscious, cannot give rise to something that is.

The second model essentially flips the first model upside down. It takes the position that consciousness (and its emotional sidekick) are essential components of the fabric of our Universe and cannot be separated. The second model also implies that all forms of the manifest world are the result of intelligent forces working behind the scenes, and that consciousness is required in order for reality to exist, both as the creator and the experiencer. In other words, conscious life has always existed and always will. In Hindu cosmology, one breath of Brahman is 12 billion years, and there are countless breaths.

Using the broadened perspective, we can use the phrase “quantum consciousness” when referring to what physists call the quantum field and to what psychologists call the collective unconscious. Uniting the two phrases implies that the QF is pregnant with conscious energy. Not everyone would agree with this idea. Most think the QF is inert energy without conscious aliveness; but let’s assume that they are one and the same given that they share certain qualities. Both are essentially empty, filled with potential, and contain limitless energy. This emptiness is where consciousness resides as a universal presence.

Along with consciousness lives the world of emotion. They are deeply connected. In the simple phrase, “Let’s go get some ice cream,” you can see that there is an emotion attached to the thought. And so, it is with everything else. Every thought has an emotion attached, meaning that emotion resides within quantum consciousness also. Emotion is essentially empty. It has no physical mass, yet it is very real and very powerful. Consider this illustration. If one is experiencing great emotional pain, from the loss of a loved one perhaps, it might feel as though your heart is sick and the weight of the world is on your shoulders. That weight has no physical mass, but nonetheless, feels very heavy, and likewise, the pain in the heart has no physical mass but is also very powerful and very real.

How does this relate to the idea of intentional creating? Most of us think things in our experience, including the universe itself, are a result of an assemblage of materials and energy that pre-exist, and are therefore somewhat out of our control. However, I will take quite the opposite position. For anything to materialize, it must first be created as a “thought entity,” and the strength of that thought entity is determined by the strength of the emotion behind it. Before anything can materialize, it first must be a potential of thought energy with its corresponding emotional energy. In other words, creativity and imagination are powered by a great desire to make something happen. This is how we create our lives—by envisioning our desires imaginatively and having emotional attachments to them. Once this potential is understood, then we begin to see that we are creating our lives at all times, whether it be positively or negatively, whether we know it or not.

Most of us, however, do not understand this. Most of us think the world happens to us rather than through us, but once we learn that the world happens through us by virtue of our own intentions, then we begin to arrive at a place where we realize that we have no other choice but to be fully responsible for our lives. No exceptions, no excuses, no blaming.

How then, do we reconcile the fact that we are always connected with the feeling that we are not? The feeling that we are not is simply based on a set of beliefs that create the illusion of separateness. These beliefs create a sense that we are not part of the Collective Unconscious, Quantum Field, Nature, God, Tao or whatever name you would prefer, this invisible force that pervades everything, including every part of ourselves. This is why we cannot be disconnected. It is everywhere, and it is us.

Therefore, the feeling of being disconnected is, in and of itself, an illusion that creates that sense of separation. It’s nothing more than the belief that we are not connected that creates this sense of separation. Yet the simple knowing that we are always connected, will enhance the feeling of being connected, resulting in a greater sense of belonging, empowerment, and overall well-being.

Often in my classes, people ask how they can connect to higher powers, and I always give the same answer. You are always connected and it’s impossible to be disconnected. The question is: How are you connected? Are you living your life by default, feeling disconnected, lonely and powerless, or are you using quantum consciousness to your advantage? The key resides in the use of your emotional powers to create the life you desire.

Why do we want a good life? Why do we want anything at all? Why do we want good relationships, abundance, a meaningful career? It’s all for the same reason: It’s because we believe we will feel better in the having of them, and we can achieve all these things through intentional creating. The trick is to tap into quantum consciousness by using our emotional body learning how to feel the positive emotion that goes along with the intended manifestation. Consider this example of a woman who wants to be a mother—a woman who wants to bear and create healthy children. The trick is to create the emotions associated with this desire before the manifestation occurs. Learning how to feel the simple satisfaction of being a mother in advance will activate powers within quantum consciousness and then conspire in your favor to manifest the real experience. And so it is with all other desires. Quantum consciousness is an active, intelligent, compassionate, and responsive force that will work in your favor to provide everything you wish for. It’s not so different than a genie in a bottle except that we are not limited to three wishes. Nor is it any different than someone who wants to become a zoologist studying animals, or an engineer designing a bridge. The intention always precedes the manifestation.

`Is it possible to create your life in a destructive way? Yes, it is. A compassionate universe will always give you what you wish for even if it is self destructive. If you choose to die, the universe will provide you every possible means. Therefore, it is very important to be careful of what you wish for, and this means not harboring a net full of negative emotions.

Another way to illustrate the phenomenon of intentional creation is to use the debate between reincarnation and biological reproduction. Some say one, some say the other. So, which is true? In my view, they are both true at the same time. I prefer to use the term “incarnation” rather than “reincarnation”, because the word “incarnation implies a choice to be made, and “reincarnation” implies a duty to be fulfilled.

Assuming then, that we are eternal beings here on earth having a human experience by choice, we are then engaging quantum consciousness and its unlimited resources to give ourselves a vehicle by which we can manifest ourselves here on earth. Namely our mother and father through which we give ourselves a pathway to emerge into this physical life. Both pathways are true. Incarnation and biology are inexorably linked.

So, referring back to the two models of the Universe above. Which one is true? The answer? They are both true. It works both ways at the same time. The non-physical creates the physical, and the physical affects the nonphysical. It’s a paradoxical way of looking at things, but all great truths are expressed as paradoxes.

G Arthur Weidman holds a BS in Religion/Philosophy from Western Michigan University. He resides in Kalamazoo Michigan and can be contacted by email at gweidman97@gmail.com.

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