Full Moon Ceremony: Creating Sacred Space With Others

By Alicia Clark-Teper

What is sacred space and where do we find it? I would describe sacred space as any environment that evokes a serene, reverent feeling of safety and connection. It is a space that allows you to remember the feeling of being exactly who you are with a knowing that you, alone, are enough. It is like receiving a warm hug from a friend or stepping into a bubble that comforts and supports you in every energetic way. Sacred space can be a place—a corner of a room or a park bench, but it can also exist within us in the moment-to-moment connectedness to our own inner wisdom, to our spirituality, to our wholeness. Native American wisdom describes sacred space as the space between the in-breath and out-breath. It exists eternally, within each of us. It just takes slowing down and listening instead of doing to uncover it. 

Sacred space was a concept that eluded my awareness prior to practicing yoga and learning about spirituality. After my first yoga class I was enchanted with how the energy and feeling in the room became a fusion of unity for all of us to come together and create a better version of ourselves in such a loving space. I had been to group fitness classes prior to trying yoga but this feeling and energy was not present in those classes. As I kept up my yoga practice, I became more aware of how to cultivate the sacred space that I found so enchanting at the yoga studio for myself. After much learning about the practice of being in the present moment, I began to cultivate and hold sacred space in all that I do. No matter where I was: in the studio, in nature, at a healing expo, and even as I move in the world on a daily basis. Everywhere we go, we can find or create sacred space by cultivating the energy of presence and connection. 

The practice of connection and presence has been challenging over the past couple of years. Isolation and separation has become more of the norm, and many of us have suffered because of it. I was lucky enough to have joined an online spiritual community prior to the massive incubation of 2020, which allowed me to preserve the connectivity of gathering with others, even though not in person, in sacred space. I found that developing sacred space digitally was much the same as in-person, it was all about intention setting. As we drew together, as spiritual seekers from all over the world, it gave me a reassuring sense that we are not as isolated as the news would like to portray. As time passed, I found that my sacred rituals became more important to maintain in regularity. It gave me the opportunity to hone my moon rituals and work on clearing, reviving, and rejuvenating my own personal sacred space. I began to realize how important it is for me to find, cultivate, and enrich sacred space not only for me, but also, for and with others. 

This was the beginning of me hosting full moon ceremonies. I wanted to bring people together so that we could infuse ourselves with ancient tradition and modern healing. When the weather started getting nice in the spring, a friend posted that she wanted to have some kind of event using her five acres of land as the backdrop for a night of healing. I was immediately drawn to say “Yes!” to the commitment of regular, full moon ceremonies. Deep in my soul I knew that the heartbeat of the ancestors was calling to be heard again through the ancient ritual of such a ceremony. We would include a bonfire, Reiki flowing freely all night, and create an altar to honor all the energies of the present, past, and future. 

And so the full moon ceremony was born. The entire night revolves around the ancient tradition of gathering and paying tribute to the energies of the sky gods, earth gods, and releasing control back to the universe in sacred space. Before each ceremony, I take the time with the land, the energy of the evening moon, and the zodiac sign of the moon to formulate the most sacred healing space that will provide growth for the attendees while asking that the actual land, Mother Gaia, our ancestors, and our future selves join in to support the healing and transformation that only the sacred spiritual energy can provide. When alchemizing the sacred space, I call in the four directions, Archangels, Reiki energy, and the Divine Cosmic Energy to surround and synergize with the present moment and set the stage for unconditional love. Each location, practitioner, modality, and attendee synergize together to co-create the experience while the facilitator divines their own signature blend of sacred energies to aid in the healing transformation and growth that takes place within the space. 

For each Full Moon ceremony, we gather to listen to how the current cosmic energies will influence our actions for the upcoming time and then open ourselves to the energies with breath work and grounding. We move into a releasing series of movement or Yin Yoga with Reiki infusion, followed by a guided meditation and ending with a bonfire and releasing ritual where we use paper to burn off into the ethers all that is not in alignment with our highest good and greatest intentions. 

Many Americans do not understand the paramount need to seek out sacred space so that you can evolve, heal, and know that they are not alone as they work through the layers of who they are, with a healing facilitator and others just like them. As more and more people begin to awaken to the benefits of gathering in sacred space, I am happy to be able to offer a time and place to gather, commune, and connect. I invite you to join our next full moon ceremony to add your beautiful and divine energy to our co-created sacred space on the full moon of each month. 

Alicia Clark-Teper is a Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki Master Teacher, certified Tarot Reader, Astrologer, Yin Yoga Instructor, Intuitive, Chakra and Crystal Healer, and certified Moonologer. You can find out more about Clark-Teper, Full Moon Ceremonies, and other services on her website sacredlotusexperience.com.