Spring into Brighter Days with Yoga

Camel Pose

Camel Pose

By Roshani Adhikary

If you’re anything like me, the past few weeks have felt really rejuvenating to your spirit! The bursts of warm days with bright rays of sunshine have lifted my soul from the depths of a snowbank, which seemed to grow every week throughout the treacherous winter. Feeling blue because of the weather, it is natural to become a bit more withdrawn, and nothing makes this more evident than our posture.

Spinal Twist

Spinal Twist

Chest caved in, shoulders slumped down, we tend to look shorter and sadder. One easy way to open our hearts and spring into brighter days is by getting into Camel Pose.

Placing your shins, feet, and knees on the ground, come up to a kneeling position (standing on your knees with them hip-width's distance apart). If you have low-back concerns, place your palms on your sacrum to protect your low back. Otherwise, engaging your glutes, quadriceps, and your core, slowly windmill your right palm all the way to the sole of your right foot. Continue engaging your core, thrust your pelvic area forward then slowly windmill your left palm to align with the sole of your left foot. All the crown of your head to dangle fully relaxed. Hold this Asana for five to seven breathes, slowly come out of it and rest in Child’s Pose for an equal number of breathes.

If you’re looking to elongate your spine and hope to improve that sensation of lengthening the back bones you may have sunken in during the winter, try this spinal twist!



Finally, if you’re hoping to open up your chest and release some tension in your hips, try Gomukhasana, or Cow’s Face. Align your knees one on top of the other and try to clasp your fingers behind your back while keeping your neck long. If you experience any straining sensation as you attempt to lock fingers, let go of the bind and just keep your palms rested on your back. Enjoy the sunshine!

Roshani Adhikary is a certified yoga instructor and a freelance writer. Find her on Facebook:www.facebook.com/yogini.roshani.

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Posted on May 22, 2014 .