By Tatiana Scavnicky
Selenite is named after the Greek Goddess of the moon, Selene. This delicate, soft, and serene crystal is one of "the" crystals to have around you to create peace, serenity, and calm. Some crystals can disturb your sleep, but you can put this gem on your bedside table. Because Selenite is restful and soothing, it can be used for helping with insomnia. Try it out and see. Use it for clearing your mind and emotions, and to release stress. It does wonders for relaxation and meditation.
Selenite is a form of gypsum, which means "liquid light." It can be white, or peachy-brown rose (“Desert Rose Selenite”), or orange and blue-gray. It is perfect for a baby's room or anywhere in the house you'd like to bring tranquility and stillness. I like the white and softer muted colors for nurseries and kid’s rooms. Feng Shui, “the ancient art of placement,” calls for using it in living rooms, bedrooms, and the spiritual center of the house — the front left corner of your home. The one pictured above comes from my favorite crystal shop, Kona Rock & Mineral, on the Big Island in Hawaii, where I used to live. I gave intuitive readings there and often recommended selenite to help with meditation and for clearing energy. I leave a sweet selenite wand on my oracle card decks to keep them clean and clear in between readings.
“It is perfect for a baby’s room or anywhere in the house you’d like to bring tranquility and stillness.”
Magical Properties of Selenite
Especially good for Zodiac signs: Taurus & Capricorn
Planet: Moon
Element: Wind
Chakras: Crown, Higher Crown & Third Eye
Vibration: Number 8
Angels: Gabriel & Haniel
Goddess: Selene
Crystals need to be cleared from time to time, some more than others. Obsidian never has to be cleared. It automatically clears itself. Selenite, like kyanite and lepidolite, cannot be put into water. Cleansing your crystals under moonlight can be a beautiful full or new moon ritual. Clear them every other month, or every season. The difference in how they feel will be amazing, very much like when you wash your favorite sweater or jeans. They feel brand new again.
“Cleansing your crystals under moonlight can be a beautiful full or new moon ritual.”
I also recommend clearing and washing your daily jewelry and pieces you wear often. Psychometry, the ability to read inanimate objects, works off this principal. Energy and vibration can be read off an object that belongs to someone, or a deceased loved one. A person’s energetic blueprint or vibration is carried in the crystals and objects that belong to them.
I am often asked if crystals really do anything for us. I have done performances and workshops in crystal shops and it can be really hard to stay grounded. A lot of them together make a room hum and vibrate. How do you feel when you are out in nature? How does sitting by a beautiful stream filled with smooth pebbles and stones sound? Heavenly, right? We are connected to nature and all of its elements. Its elements exist inside of us. The air is our breath. Our blood is water. Fire is the heat inside us needed for digestion and assimilation. Spirit is space in and around us. The Earth element is our bones and muscles. Crystals are of the earth.
“I have a big chunk of rose quartz, “the love crystal,” in my car, another soft and blissful stone. Combine these together for full-on peace, love, and serenity.”
We are taken away by the ocean's waves because we are 70 percent water. Looking up into the night sky's stars take us to dreamy otherworldly places, yet we are made of those same stars. Lush green forests connect us to the earth element. So how can we not be touched by crystals? Make selenite your go-to crystal for rooms that need softening and quiet. Have one in your car, or at your work desk. I have a big chunk of rose quartz, “the love crystal,” in my car, another soft and blissful stone. Combine these together for full-on peace, love, and serenity.
Tatiana Scavnicky is a teacher, intuitive life coach, singer-songwriter, and Angel Therapy Practitioner®. She teaches classes on working with the moon cycles at Bodyworks Healing Center in Plymouth, Michigan. For more information or to contact Tatiana, visit or For more information about Bodyworks Healing Center, visit
For as long as I can remember I have had a fascination with quartz crystals. They call to my heart and sing to my soul. I have them in most every room of my home. As a spiritual person, I believe in the metaphysical and healing use of crystals of all varieties. My favorite crystal is clear quartz. I love the beauty and clarity of these faceted wonders of nature.